Your Session is Your Own

Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular Therapy, or NMT, is a very specific technique to locate and treat an immediate cause of pain and discomfort. Often, a pain that we feel can be traced back to a specific muscle, soft tissue, joint, ligament, or some other structure that is in distress. with NMT, we are searching out these spots and applying treatment directly there to provide relief to symptoms. This can involve a little detective work. We use orthopedic tests, movement, stretching, and specific palpation to differentiate what is painful from what is not. We will treat what we find, then re-assess to determine whether our intervention has improved your symptoms. NMT is great for addressing specific pain complaints in a precise and intentional way.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release uses sustained, slow pressure to create ease in fascia, the tough, fibrous tissue that gives us our shape and structure. Fascia might need to be released if it becomes bound up, shortened, or stuck to things it should move against. These fascial adhesions arise because of some trauma to the tissue. This could be a sudden trauma, such as an injury or accident that causes the muscles to become tense and guarded. It could be a repetitive action that over time causes chronic wear and tear, or it could be a postural distortion that the body is attempting to compensate for. In any case, the fibrous connective tissue can lock these patterns into place, and thus lock in the cause of some kind of pain complaint. Myofascial Release can work through these chronic patterns to bring ease where there was bind before.

General and Deep Tissue Massage

General and Deep Tissue Massage is closest to what you would traditionally think of as massage. It’s primary goal is to provide relaxation to both mind and body, fostering a feeling of ease and well-being. It can be a great compliment to my other modalities, as sometimes the healing process can itself be taxing. After working through longstanding, bound up areas, or areas that are exquisitely tender or painful, we can use deep tissue massage to rest and restore. We can also do a session just for relaxation, or do part of a session with a specific therapeutic focus and another part just for relaxation.

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